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*looks to the left...looks to the right....shrugs* lost'em!
*sneezes* whoa I'm alurgic to curect speling....*sniff**cough* dam alurgies
*swings rapier toward N8GR8* I can cut your nose if ya want!
*ducks* dammit woman... I'm allergic to bodily injury too
(06-29-2016, 11:15 AM)CBM97 Wrote: [ -> ]D-do you mean that Cath should go to Hell? Cath is sad. *sits on the ground in a foetal position*

*bounces out of the way of an excited rapier swing*  No, no, no....Um, video game nerd joke.
Cath is not a nerd! *pouts and tries to kill Vrook once again*
Come here honey~ I have a present for ya~ IT IS DEATH!!!
*grabs popcorn and watches the death of Vrook* this shit is getting good
Hey honey! What do you have for, my God what is that? *really shocked*