If you want an avatar restored, you can do the following:
- Just post here
- Message a moderator in-game
Make sure that:
- You have at least one open avatar slot (Premium have 6, Non-Premium have 1)
- You give us the exact name of the avatar you want restored
- You only request avatars restored that belong to you
- Do NOT post your email address. We don't need it to restore the avatar!
If you know someone that needs their avatar(s) restored, feel free to direct them to this thread.
Also, if you can see your avatar in the list, but can't access it, clear the cache of your browser then reload it.
After that, you should be able to log in with your avatar.
Thank you, we'll respond as quickly as we can!
Hi, i have delete my avatar.
Name : Lolissa
Possibility of recovering it?
Maybe a little something to add to the recovering of avatars.
Please only ask for charactars of your own account, so when making a request also mention your Ingame name.
A premium account can only have a max of 6 avatars, if you already have 6 active then delete one of those or else we can't restore your wanted avatar.
It's the same for non prems but those can only have 1 avatar at a time, so delete that one and we'll restore your other avatar.
Also, recovering avatars might not be possible if they were deleted too long ago. I don't know the exact amount of time but lets say a month or longer.
Avatar has been restored.
As a name cannot be reused for 30 days it would seem that Av is held that long at least.
After that it may depend on if someone uses same name. I think someone got a purposely deleted AV back after 9 months because it was an unusual name. Maybe just same name and created identical AV though.
If more than 30 days have passed, the avatar cannot be restored anymore. So possibly it was just another avatar with the same name.
good evening hello, sorry to disturb you but I come to you because I have a small problem. A friend of mine has deleted his avatar accidentally and I wondered if you could help us recover.
his nickname is "petite-chipie"
I thank you in advance for your help

Yes, we could restore it. But, ask your friend to register here, on the forum and tell your friend to ask personally for the restore.
Thank you!
(04-20-2018, 04:21 AM)Vrook Wrote: [ -> ]If more than 30 days have passed, the avatar cannot be restored anymore. So possibly it was just another avatar with the same name.
It was same person. I just remembered: he was a friend and was deleted from list when he deleted account. When he reactivated it came back on list automatically. So it can be done, as long as no one else uses name.
captain-harlock You should note Kumori’s comment: "Please only ask for charactars of your own account"
But I have a problem with an account but not this one. I can’t create two forum accounts so how do I get round this?
(04-20-2018, 09:54 PM)Zephyr Wrote: [ -> ]captain-harlock You should note Kumori’s comment: "Please only ask for charactars of your own account"
But I have a problem with an account but not this one. I can’t create two forum accounts so how do I get round this?
He meant own as in your own account/accounts, not asking on behalf a friend or someone that’s not you. It’s for privacy and security reasons... So ask away if it was previously an avatar that was on one of your mnf accounts.