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Full Version: Restoring Deleted Avatars
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Hello i made mistake by deleting my character
can you restore my character?
Thank you in advance!
Hi, could my avatar Susan007 be restored? I haven't played in a while, and was planning to restart, and regain my premium. However I unthinkingly deleted my avatars to create a new one before realizing I wanted to retain my old primary. Please help me fix this.
Hi. I accidentally deleted my avatar and I would like you to help me recover it. I am premiunSad Sad Sad

Avatar: Edd505
ive delete my avatar by mistake


pls restore im losing my friends Sad
I’ve deleted my avatar by mistake.

Name : Wheating

Thank for the help.
Could you bring back my avatar?

The name is “BBCforyou”
I need to restore my avatar with the name Axuria, it was the last female avatar in my account , my mail its

I would like to restore my avatar: CUM-TRIBUTER

Please restore my avatar 

name: just_a_stripper 

Again, I'm sorry for the delay.

All avatars restored that could be found in the system.