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Need "words" for RP
Hello... Seems the title are confused, well i am spanish, and i do not learn so much english, i know basics, but even right now, i still use google translator to translate some words, well right now i do not need to translate a word, i know a good english and i think i got "medium" english, some basics and some things too. But i know its not enought to get a great RP. So for that i come here to ask some good words to use in me RP.

As i say, i know basics, but anyway, i want to learn all i can, please, say all words or phrases that can be use for sex RP.

A example of words i know: tits, bounce, rub, vagina... Yes this is basic as i say... But i say this so can recomendme words like this i say. But not only like body description, for excite too.

Thanks for any word or phrase can give me!.

Te recomiendo que busques una historia o cuento sexual en Ingles en la internet que tenga varias escenas sexuales, fanfiction o cosas asi, no es muy dificil encontrarlas y que las leas para que cojas ideas de frases. Inclusive aqui en el foro (en el subforo de Creative Writing) puedes encontrar muchisimos relatos sexuales con lenguaje, frases y palabras sexuales que te daran ideas para las cosas que debes decir en un RP en ingles. Es question de leerlos...
“She has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles.” 
-E. Corona
And Manx, I can suggest you, try to learn english on your own. Like I did when I was little, from cartoons and video games.
I know, at start it can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you don't really know so much english.
As I said, start easy, with some video games, play them on english, and slowly you'll start learning more and more complex words, expressions and you'll get more ease in speaking and understanding english.
Hope it helps a little! Smile
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Thanks to both, but Vrook, i already try to learn more english in that way, and even still do it every day, internet seems have a english language, so every day i have to use it. But seems, some times i found new words, i really dont know why i do not found it before...

misslanni: Muchas gracias por tu sugerencia, me parece mucho mejor. Aun asi, me interesa mas conocer palabras nuevas ya que es mas rapido. Seguramente cuando me lea alguno de esos relatos, puede que no encuentre ni una palabra nueva, es mas, puedo leerme varios y no encontrarla... Lo digo por que como decia antes, llevo mucho tiempo en internet y aun hay palabras que son nuevas para mi (ya empiezo a pensar que es mala suerte). Esa es la razón por la que incluso tengo que usar el traductor de google cuando estoy en RP, por que a veces me sueltan una nueva y me quedo bloqueado...

De todas formas misslanni, te doy las gracias por lo de los relatos, mira que e venido por aqui y no los e visto, sin contar con el tema de el idioma, necesitaba ademas, temas para rolear.

And also, Manx, as Misslanni suggested, read some erotic literature, which can broaden your english skill, in the erotic Role-Playing field, since, I suppose this is what you're interested in here. As for that, I heartly suggest Tania's stories that she was kindly enough to post on here, as you can get an idea of the punctuation, phrasing and phonetics of some english words and phrases, which can help you in developing your RP skills. 

As I said, you can check thisthis and also this.

Hopefully it will help you getting a hold of the RP skills you thrive for, and I really hope it will lead to an even more enjoyable time for you in game. Smile

With all due respect,
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]

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