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Full Version: Name Changes
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current- yourfavoritewitch

new-  sillygothgirl

Current: Nico19

new: Nico_4tributes / Nico_Tributer
current- AloyTheOutcast
new- YoungAnanda
Done. If not, I couldn't find any avatars by that name to change the name of.
current: -AloyTheOutcast-
new: YoungAnanda

Sry got my nick wrong last time
A: Gared_1108
b: Geral_1108
Ayooo there

Current: Unravel_TK

New: Ty_Kalu

Alternate: Ty_Kalu_

thanks in advance Smile
Hey there!

current: Richard2016
new: NaugthyBoyRicky

thank you so much!!!
Old Name: DaddyApollo
New: Apxllo
Second: _Apxllo_