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Erotic influences you'd like to share
Sometimes, people ask me where I find my ideas when I play/write. Mostly, it's what my partner brings in, but as I thought about it, I realized something about the forum.

You can find many threads in here about books (, movies (, or music ( that people want to share, but nothing about erotic influences, which are the stuff of most stories people want to live in the MnF world !

So, without further ado, some erotic works I liked:
1) Japan style
- Visual Novels 
These games are something very akin to RP in MnF, and you can find all sorts of fantasies.
One I'm currently playing : Starless
- Hentai/Doujinshi
I'm not fan of the mainstream drawing codes of japanese comics, but there are some authors whose style I like: Kaiten Sommelier and Saigado.
Same as hentai, but the Bible Black series had something.

2) Western style
- Comics: Milo Manara is an all time classic. 
Atilio Gambedotti makes stories with real scenarios.
- Books: sorry, french here. 
Guillaume Apollinaire's "11 000 verges" is a classic.
Pierre Louys is probably the most interesting french erotic writer.
- 3D art: this media has yet to find its master, but Blackadder has an interesting universe.

3) Porn
I'm not a big fan of porn. It's a very powerful media because it speaks directly to your loins, but I don't like how it impregnates the zeitgeist of our occidental cultures.
For me, real life sex can be played like porn for fun, but porn sex should never be thought as real life sex.
The nearest thing to a good movie director in this "art form" is Mario Salieri.
For the Internet generation, tries to convey something with situations, looks and words that go a little further than the average ass banging.
Making a girl smile can be much more rewarding than bedding her...

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