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Ramblings, apologies and other such things (A Note to the Community)
When I discovered this game I knew it would be something I would enjoy (the specific reasons why are for another discussion). But I did not really understand that there was a community of interesting people. I thought I could fuck my way through the world.

So basically all I did was try to have sex. When I realized that it gave XP which I could use to get more poses, I pressed even harder.

I was not sending unsolicited invites and I was not just sending "do me" PM's, but every other thing that seems to annoy the ladies of; I am guilty of.

1) Dropping all the generic opening lines: "Hello.", "How you doing", "What's up" and so on.

2) Sending a PM to every lady who had the misfortune to be in my sight.

3) Having boring conversations in hopes the lady just, for no reason at all says, "let's go to your room!"

4) Using corny pick up lines to get a laugh.

This had mixed results.
1) A polite response that was a rejection
2) No Response at all
3) A polite response that led to sex
4) A Raunchy response that led to sex
5) Some not-so-subtle, subtle insults
6) Place me on Ignore

By far, 1 and 2 happened the most. At first this seemed strange for a sex game, but I was young! 3-4 happened a lot less, but still quite a bit. 5 did not happen too much, but more than I expected. Finally, 6 happened rarely, but it did happen.

So apologies to all.

I started another avatar and plan on making myself part of the community and building up some friends, both men and women. Don't get me wrong, sex is still on the table, but that will come as I build relationships. There will booty calls, friendly talks, random hookups etc. so sex will not be the only things that controls my actions in the game.

As a side note, there was only lady who was very helpful. She dropped my some pity lays and her RP was awesome, showing me some things. (Don't know the etiquette of dropping her name) so thanks for that.

All in all I like the game, but still have a few things to learn.

Thanks for listening
wow...good for you, learning is a very important part for our growing as a person, we welcome you on our community
To be simple is to be great
Why are you apologizing? there is no need for that.

If anything your feeding into the sense of entitlement some people seem to have in this game.

Send your messages and invites, if they don't reply move on and don't bother them, you haven't done anything wrong.
I agree that you don't have to apologise, unless you treated people badly. But its a nice gesture. Shows you're willing to put some effort in if nothing else. And that's never wrong.
[Image: xpXEtwW.gif?noredirect]
Not sure what you think you've done wrong here. Not sending cold invites already puts you way ahead of a lot of new players (male or female), and even some of the more experienced players too. Boring conversations (I'm assuming you just mean the general "Hi how are you" "fine thanks, you" bollocks) happen, but at least it's an attempt to talk, and opens up the possibility of something.

Some people are picky, some are easy. Some are happy to welcome new players, meet new people, make new friends; others are happy with what they got. Just because somebody responds rudely, or does not respond at all, doesn't mean you've done anything wrong.

The only thing I would say you may have learnt is that this is not just a sex game; many are here for the social aspect, enjoying the chat and spending time with friends.

And as Fenix says, welcome to the community.
(02-22-2016, 10:07 AM)Fenix-TS Wrote: wow...good for you, learning is a very important part for our growing as a person, we welcome you on our community


(02-22-2016, 11:28 AM)Nikolai Wrote: Why are you apologizing? there is no need for that.

If anything your feeding into the sense of entitlement some people seem to have in this game.

Send your messages and invites, if they don't reply move on and don't bother them, you haven't done anything wrong.

Good point. I think there is a happy medium in there

(02-22-2016, 11:51 AM)Emmie Wrote: I agree that you don't have to apologise, unless you treated people badly. But its a nice gesture. Shows you're willing to put some effort in if nothing else. And that's never wrong.

Another good point. Based on some pretty negative reactions I got I assumed I was breaking etiquette.

(02-22-2016, 11:58 AM)Sharpey Wrote: Not sure what you think you've done wrong here. Not sending cold invites already puts you way ahead of a lot of new players (male or female), and even some of the more experienced players too. Boring conversations (I'm assuming you just mean the general "Hi how are you" "fine thanks, you" bollocks) happen, but at least it's an attempt to talk, and opens up the possibility of something.

Some people are picky, some are easy. Some are happy to welcome new players, meet new people, make new friends; others are happy with what they got. Just because somebody responds rudely, or does not respond at all, doesn't mean you've done anything wrong.

The only thing I would say you may have learnt is that this is not just a sex game; many are here for the social aspect, enjoying the chat and spending time with friends.

And as Fenix says, welcome to the community.

Thanks. One of the reasons I posted this was looking for some hidden advice I guess
You should have seen me stumble about the first few days... it was pitiful. You reminded me so much of those times... but don't feel bad about it; we all had to crawl before we learned to walk - especially us gentlemen.

Nowadays, I'm learning to walk and chew gum at the same time - not as easy as it seems...  Wink

Cheers, Ivan
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
The Goddess -
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