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Such Roleplay!
Do you need a paper shredder Madamn Ink Nose? *I ask readying my claws.*
Wow wow wow! Calm down kitty cat, there is no need of a killing machine now. *pats Cat's head with an amused look*
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
I take another sip of the drink, enjoying the burn and the feel of warmth spreading through me slowly, and glance at Sate; completely unaware of the smudge of ink on my nose.

(05-18-2016, 04:05 PM)CBM97 Wrote: Hi! Er... So... Yeah... It is mine, but, if you want, you can keep it! I mean... I don't need them, so... Here you go, miss!
I turn and face the voice from the couch, leaning my hips against the counter.  I fold my arm beneath my breasts, drink still in hand.  The other arm crooked upwards, holding the silky panties from one fingertip.

"Really?  I mean, I would feel bad taking these for free, they seem really nice."  I pause in thought and set the panties on the counter next to the papers gently.

"This was the wrong day to wear heels"  I wobble a bit on a slender leg as I bend the other one up; my free hand sliding under my skirt sliding my own white silk panties down one leg, then the other.  I toss it over to the underwearless napper, letting them land on her lap.  "That feels better.  That should be an even trade."  A small blush creeps across my cheeks as I take another sip of the drink.

(05-18-2016, 04:27 PM)arsenicCatnip Wrote: Do you need a paper shredder Madamn Ink Nose? *I ask readying my claws.*

"Madam Ink Nose?"  I glance over at the other voice, spying a little cat girl.  My eyes flicker to the glass of my drink and spies the smudge on my nose.  

Sighs aloud, "Oh dear," but my lips press into a sudden smile and I glance at Sate, "That might be a better solution, as if I had you help I think I would be violating the laws of God and Man in some way."  

 I took towards the cat girl, "I am intrigued by your offer, but I'm not sure what you want in trade?"  My green eyes sparkle again as I take another sip of liquor, finally noticing that the glass has gone empty.
*stares at the trading-panties-lady* You, miss, are surely a passionate writer full of reserve. I envy your... *swings my hand making a circle* romantic view of the scene which makes it even more lively.
*gets up and walks in a manly way to Cuylie* But don't try to be too good with the boys, they tend to be... *looks at State* Wild when it comes to act with girls.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
(05-18-2016, 03:53 PM)Cuylie Wrote:
(05-18-2016, 03:07 PM)Sate Wrote:
(05-18-2016, 02:48 PM)Cuylie Wrote: Sighs and drops a heavy stack of papers on the desk with a thud.  A black smudge of ink decorates my nose as I lean against the counter, my red hair in slightly disheveled.

"Well, if you are making drinks, I could use a whiskey and a coke."  I gesture helplessly towards the papers, "I mean anything to help me through this mess."

My gesture pauses for the moment and looks at the cut on the sofa and wonders at who stabbed it.

*Goes to the counter and makes two Whiskey and cokes, taking one to Cuylie and keeping the second close to me. Moving a few stray strands of her hair from her eyes, I notice the smudge*

Need a hand? *Looking down at the papers* I used to do this at one point you know.
Blushes a bit and takes the offered drink and, with an decidedly unlady like motion, I slug it back enjoying the burning sensation in my stomach.

I glare at the papers, "I think if I had anyone else read these, I would be accused of inflicting cruel and unusual punishment."

I turn and look towards the drink before glancing back up at Sate, leaning a little bit more against the foot suddenly slipping against the floor...I break his gaze to bend over see a pair of silky black panties hooked around my heal.  I bend over and take the fabric in hand...."Uh, who lost these?"

Uh.. You want another whiskey coke? or you good *looks from the other side of the bar counter as Cuylie fall over*

And whats with all those papers?
(05-18-2016, 07:11 PM)CBM97 Wrote: *stares at the trading-panties-lady* You, miss, are surely a passionate writer full of reserve. I envy your... *swings my hand making a circle* romantic view of the scene which makes it even more lively.
*gets up and walks in a manly way to Cuylie* But don't try to be too good with the boys, they tend to be... *looks at State* Wild when it comes to act with girls.

Watches the panties-losing-lady stride across the room with a predatory walk.
"Who says I'm only trying to be too good with the boys?"

My green eyes sparkle with a mischievous fire, losing the vague look that was their earlier, and I set the empty glass atop the counter top.  With a toss of my head, my red mane tumbles over my shoulder and I lean, all too casually against the rail of the bar...

(05-18-2016, 10:21 PM)W1LL Wrote: Uh.. You want another whiskey coke? or you good *looks from the other side of the bar counter as Cuylie fall over*

And whats with all those papers?

....which is not there.  With a little yelp, I tumble to the floor with a resounding thud.  Sprawled on the ground in the most unladylike of fashions, I barely make out the laconic drawl of the bartender's question.

"Papers?  My bane, 30 some odd creative writing essays from 17 year olds."  I fumble for my glasses, lost somewhere on the floor, as I sit up, "As for another?"  Grins, a little abashedly, "I would like another, but I think my daily 5 post limit is about to cut me off."
(05-18-2016, 06:42 PM)Cuylie Wrote: Sighs aloud, "Oh dear," but my lips press into a sudden smile and I glance at Sate, "That might be a better solution, as if I had you help I think I would be violating the laws of God and Man in some way."  

 I took towards the cat girl, "I am intrigued by your offer, but I'm not sure what you want in trade?"  My green eyes sparkle again as I take another sip of liquor, finally noticing that the glass has gone empty.

*Watches as you place panties near your papers and toss your own into Cath's lap.. shocked slightly at the exchange and wondering if my undergarments will be next* It is ok, I am used to papers like those. I don't think we'd violate any laws if I helped you. *Watches the exchange and you tumble but is too late to catch you. Offering my hand I help you up, noticing the smudge. I dip a finger in my drink* Hold Still Cuylie, you have something... *places my finger to the smudge and wipes it away, noticing your drink is empty* I would offer mine but all There is not much eft to it. I believe there is more on my finger now.

(05-18-2016, 07:11 PM)CBM97 Wrote: *stares at the trading-panties-lady* You, miss, are surely a passionate writer full of reserve. I envy your... *swings my hand making a circle* romantic view of the scene which makes it even more lively.
*gets up and walks in a manly way to Cuylie* But don't try to be too good with the boys, they tend to be... *looks at State* Wild when it comes to act with girls.
*Feeling eyes upon me, I turn to Cath as she speaks and raises an eyebrow* You are correct about boys but men are different. We know how to treat women and know her pleasure comes before ours *Looks back at Cuylie and winks*
Ladies, Maybe you like the mischievous Thief? Sure he can steal your heart, but he'll be gone in the morning.. along with everything that isn't nailed down or on fire.
[Image: 781e6f42a790376108c3ca93b9a0c1c2.jpg]

Quote:Cuylie : Watches the panties-losing-lady stride across the room with a predatory walk.
"Yeah, she can be very good at that" 
I move towards sofa while sipping mojito, in a way I can keep an eye on Cath.
Quote:Cuylie : "Who says I'm only trying to be too good with the boys?"
This makes me stop and look at Cuylie, wondering if she is hiding a M30 Schmeizer too.
Quote:Cuylie : My green eyes sparkle with a mischievous fire, losing the vague look that was their earlier, and I set the empty glass atop the counter top.  With a toss of my head, my red mane tumbles over my shoulder and I lean, all too casually against the rail of the bar...
Quote:Cuylie :....which is not there.  With a little yelp, I tumble to the floor with a resounding thud.
...OUT !"
Quote:Cuylie : Sprawled on the ground in the most unladylike of fashions...
I start moving towards Cuylie to lend a hand...
Quote:Cuylie : "Papers?  My bane, 30 some odd creative writing essays from 17 year olds."  I fumble for my glasses, lost somewhere on the floor, as I sit up, "As for another?" Grins, a little abashedly, "I would like another, but I think my daily 5 post limit is about to cut me off."
As Cuylie could sit up, I begin to ruffle among the papers she put on the desk, taking sips at my mojito.
"So, what's next ? You want to break the 21 posts limit in order to talk badass and even start a thread to share some of this work ? I think it'll be interesting reading some of this...
And Sate !? What about the green box with the entertainment you promised us ?"
Making a girl smile can be much more rewarding than bedding her...
*Being in deep though due to the head pat, I almost miss the offer to treed somthing.* Hmmmm, do you have an alpha black lotus from magic the gathering? I think that will be enough for my services. *Nods in early triumph.*
*falls asleep on Cat's head, being some kind of rag doll put on someone's head*
Let's see the bright sight of this world!

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