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Tribute to a friend
This poem is my way of acknowledging the thankless job performed by Vally and all the other moderators... We often forget that behind these duties is a human being worthy of our friendship, not a faceless answering machine.

Tribute to a friend

 He used to stand by the fountain, stoic and calm,
Silent guardian, majordomo, keeper of lore,
Polite to a fault, always saying "sir" and ma'am";
His green silhouette is gone, seen around no more...
What happened? His tall presence was reassuring,
His counsel valued, always helpful and selfless;
And yet... we failed to see the friend who was hiding
Just behind his composed facade. We were careless.
And now, the gentle green giant is gone, busy
With his duties as a moderator, hardly
Seen and heard. Still, let it be known that you, Vally,
Are an essential part of our community.

"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
The Goddess -

Messages In This Thread
Tribute to a friend - by IvanXLIV - 03-21-2016, 02:36 PM

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