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A french-speaking server?
As spanish-speaking players have a server for them, i think we (french-speaking players, from France, Belgium, Canada etc etc) could have a server too. It will be more practice to contact each other Smile But how many people require for a new server allowed? Is it possible?

Comme les hispanophones ont un serveur dédié pour eux, je pense que nous francophones de France, Belgique, Canada etc pourrions avoir un serveur bien à nous. Ce serait plus pratique pour se contacter. Mais combien de personnes requises pour un nouveau serveur? Est-ce techniquement possible?
Origine France Cool

Messages In This Thread
A french-speaking server? - by Andy82 - 06-04-2021, 11:05 PM
RE: A french-speaking server? - by Zephyr - 06-07-2021, 06:37 PM
RE: A french-speaking server? - by Andy82 - 06-13-2021, 08:24 PM

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