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Afraid to stand up against a Moderator
Well as a long time player and really not the best example of it. I can say that in the game whatever happen is great that is threath exist. The mods-creators, every worker in the game need to be prepared and take this situation has a example of many normal problems in any mmo game special adult mmogames.. I have been deleted 3 times 3 years ago because my obssesion behaviour, in the game i was an asshole to girls-Bad personl.. because i was obssesed whit the game and i don't take my mistakes has serious, JCF banned me and i don't have any anger toward anyone. I was really bad when that happen i say to myself what is wrong whit myself, then i figured out that i work*game. get out to buy i get home*game... i was whit tons of personal problems and all my anger was toward the people of the game.. I lost the thrusth of many girls in the game. just bad things... But now i am helping new players giving advise to not send nakedpics to strangers and other advises.. I am enjoying the game how is correct i report the spam people of webcam sites.. between others. I help Claire whit the Article answering all the questions she ask to me. And is more than clear that they are honest people has moderators in the game and that is true. I enjoy the game* and is still evolving. good luck to everyone.

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RE: Afraid to stand up against a Moderator - by AmateurVY - 12-02-2017, 10:19 PM

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