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Meet 'n' .... love ?!? - Printable Version

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RE: Meet 'n' .... love ?!? - blahbitty - 03-01-2017

Werd J. I've been asked to officiate weddings. I've seen a variety.

Also: yes.

RE: Meet 'n' .... love ?!? - SissyNektar - 10-16-2018

Ugh. I've found love online so many times in my life it's not even funny. 

What makes online romance so intense is that people online have an easier time sharing things about themselves. The distance, the ability to control ones appearance and the safety of being able to log off if things get too intense makes people more bold and confident than they might be in real life.

I've shared things with people that, before I met my current partner, I had never, could never reveal to anyone else. So yeah, online romance is a thing. Maybe even a good thing.

RE: Meet 'n' .... love ?!? - Boris327 - 01-07-2019

Hmmm... Love here? It has always made me skeptical. I've always had the feeling it ended up in drama. I know my heart has beaten up harder for at least two girls here. One even trusted me enough to send me her real life photograph... But I never wanted to let myself go completely to "love". The main reason is: she can let you down even more easily than in RL life and for even more futile reasons, and with even less explanations. Or she can just give up the game one day for whatever reason, and then, what can you do? Love here has always seemed to me to be the highway to suffering...

Maybe I'm wrong.. Maybe it can be sincere.. Who knows?...

But I've played the "love advisor" too much in this game. Saw too many girls mad with love and weeping for the usual bastard or narcissistic pervert. And so many "married" couples here ending up in cheating and disaster.

Anyway, let's not end up in a pessimistic sentence. I would say that I felt "near-love" feelings for a few girls here. At least two with whom I felt that kind of "I know you know that we feel something but let's not talk about it, it would be an illusion"

I'm too sentimental, finally.