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Full Version: Rodeo!
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Hi, i was thinking about having or creating a Rodeo turnament!
Rounds of betting.. maby whit other stuff then notes? 

Could keep track of said turnament on this post, anyone intressted? Could be alot of notes in it for just you!
Seems like it could be fun. I can lose gracefully.
I'm broke
Pssh. I'll pay 1000 to hump my leg again Cath. Then you won't be.
Sounds tempting
I'm all a tingle at the thought. *Slaps own wrist* No Kyrios no hijacking threads for ridiculous flirting.
Rodeo Turnament? pass, i prefer other kind of rodeos...
ahahah, good answer fenix! i pass too, i suck in that minigame
Pam is the best anyway!
I flirt most of the time (bad habit?)
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