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Hello fellows!
A new idea!
What ist the most sexy part of our avatars??? Huh
They have nice butts and soft boobies, long legs and tight hipps...
But the most sexy thing is their face!
Look in their eyes, when they are fucking with you!
Some faces are funny, some show fear or pain, some show surprise...
I want more of this stuff!

So I will bring you some examples of womens faces, which I would like here in the game! Smile


We start with the surprise in her face, when you grab her and pull down her pants! Big Grin
Next step is the fear in her face, when she recognize your huge cock. Big Grin
She knows, she will be fucked mercyless within a few seconds!
terrific thread we could use some variety of faces in poses
I believe that there should be more types of faces in game, I would like to fuck a girl who has a face which matches my favorite anime girls' faces & at the same time I would also like addition on ahegao expression after cumming out in a blowjob.
Yes, Buddies! Youre absolutely right!

If it is possible to create a foursome pose, where three boys could control their moves,
it must be possible to control the faces of the girls in common MF poses! Cool

But we will work it out, one after the other...

First, it will hurt a little bit, when you shove  your fat dick in her tight pussy,
Or are you stretching her tiny backdoor? Who knows! Wink
Sweet pain!
..But she´s a naughty bitch! She likes it!  Tongue
Climax! Big Grin
...then she gratefull offers you a blowjob! Blush
...or are you so rude to force a throat fuck? Dodgy
Hipp Hipp Hurray!
Our Forum is back! Smile Smile Smile

So we are able to come to an end:
At last, everybody is satisfied! Rolleyes
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