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Full Version: Always Watching
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I'm always watching
Whether your out with your friends
Getting Lunch
or at the bar
I'm there making sure your okay

Even if you don't want me there
Im by your side
In my car outside
on the other side of the bar
or behind you

You have my protection
My Money
My life
Im Always Watching
...slightly worrying...
I made this for Laci -chuckles-
Aww you're so sweet <3 *Huggles Brandon*

It's a silly joke we have going on in game so its totally appropriate <3
*wipes brow* Okay then Smile
Now that I know that this is a joke....I will say that you did a very good job of capturing a creepy factor. I would almost say that this is has a horror feeling to it.
hihihi...nice joke Brandon, I was a little worry to! whatever that thrills you it's fine by me, just keep having fun together, big kiss to both!