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Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - Printable Version

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Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - Simple Tania - 09-25-2016

Previous parts HERE

   His eyes almost come out of orbit when I told him that, opened his mouth to say something but stopped and instead shook his head, sighed and sat down in front of the computer; turned my backs to him, lit another cigarette, went to the kitchen to serve myself a glass of red wine, quietly took it with me into the living room and comfortably sat down in the couch and facing him, started to watch the spectacle of ‘light and colour’ that would follow.

   As he went from ‘adventure to adventure’ I started noticing the change in his face colours, first he was white as chalk, ruminated unnoticeable things, shook his head, sighed, tapped his hands on the table, occasionally he stopped and looked at me, and I, with my mask of indifference watched everything while smoked and drank the wine with my legs crossed and humming a song; then he flushed, noticed the red in his ears, that was the time I thought he would give up reading, he stood up, looked at me with printed hatred on his face, went to the garden and I took the opportunity to see where he was on ‘my adventures’, he was on the part that I find most exciting, the threesomes, gangbangs and stuff like that, of course, it figures. I sat down again at the exact same time he entered the room, looked at me and gave the following sentence – You really are a slut Tania, I should have listened to my mother, twenty years ago!– He sat down after saying that, I didn’t answered, however, as strange it may seems, hear that from him still gave me more pleasure, and he continued his reading, red like a pepper by now.

   Then he should have calmed, since he lost colour suddenly, became in a tone more bluish, I laughed between teeth, so nice, everything was going as planned and in fact, those colour changes, those sniffles, sighs, pounding the table were enjoying myself so much, that for a moment I was afraid of blowing everything if I couldn’t control myself and just, start laughing. When he finally reach the last part, I realized immediately, the vermilion returned almost instantly, was more like a purplish, I swear, I saw ‘smoke’ coming out of his head, he cursed looking at me – Fucking WHORE! How could you? BITCH!– I laughed at him and finally replied – Read it till the end, sweetie, don’t forget about the Epilogue, it’s very important that you read it– I said trying to keep calm, although by that time, I already felt the need for some ‘blood’; I realized immediately when he was reading the epilogue, for those who don’t remember, in the epilogue I did real references about my childhood, about how I met him, about my life with him and… about our sex life, better yet, as it has become, and this was the final stroke for him, he rose to his feet, closed the internet page and turned to me, completely out of breath, purple with rage and fuming. Excellent, the ‘party’ was finally begins.

   He came to me, for a moment I thought he was hitting me, but no, that would be too common for ‘Herr Doctor’, instead, he assaulted me as usual, with sharp words, but at least this time, more worthy of a constructor worker than a respectable ‘society member’ – But what a Bitch you are…you enjoyed yourself doing it, right?, did you masturbate doing it? Is that what you like, am I right, you COW?– I didn’t answer, sparking a new cigarette (had smoked almost the whole pack) and he continued – I wanted to make you a Lady, I gave you everything, and all you want is the company of evildoers and sexual perverts, that’s all you like, isn’t it?– Once more I remain silent, although each time costing me more, but it was necessary, he went increasingly angry and speak louder –But why in the hell was I marry you? I knew, I knew what you were, a whore, a stripper, who gave to everyone, you even liked to tell, gave you ‘pleasure’, I must confess, I enjoyed that at the beginning, you rocked my world, BUT WHY I MARRIED YOU? I have some fun, gave some fucks and then sent you to where you belong, to the street, the place you and your kind deserve to live – Finally he managed to hurt me, I had to appeal to all my strength not to get up and take forward my initial plans, instead, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and said nothing, he realized and continued – Tell me, FUCK! TANIA, tell me why you did it, was to hurt me? That’s what you mean by revenge? What a Disgraceful, what a Shameless, SHIT, TELL ME GOD DAMMIT, TELL ME NOW!

   I took a deep breath and finally spoke – Yes, it was for revenge, not entire, but I think you’d not understand the other reasons, YES! Basically it was for revenge, not for you, because you don’t even deserve it, revenge against ME, for being stupid, for having given up my dreams for YOU, because of the society rules that you like so much, and even, go figure it, for having adapted to this ruled ‘little life’ you so much appreciate, of tasteless sex, with no flame and no ‘horny’, without noises and in most cases in the dark. YES! Revenge – He stopped for a bit, I noticed he was thinking, knew exactly on what, the bait had been launched, it was time to catch it – OK, you want the divorce? It will be my pleasure, I will destroy you Tania, I will take your children, they will know exactly what you were, what you are and what you always be, it will be them not want anything with you, you’ll be left with NOTHING, you want the divorce? You’ll have it, but then you’re going back to the streets, perhaps finally you’ll have to sell yourself like one of those toothless hookers roadside, is that what you want? YOU WILL HAVE IT!– There it was, my cue, the time had come to turn the table; the time had come to the ‘final blow’.

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - Willy_for_Boobies - 09-25-2016

well done, .....waiting for the final  :-))

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - Cath - 09-25-2016

Ugh... What an ass! I bet he's one of the guys who thinks that hookers are just "street meats" or "fuck meats". I don't like those words, do you know why? Because Pinays are seen as fuck meat, as born to be a slut. I know that, I had a friend who was a hooker... She was way older than me, but she was a mother and someone who guided to the right path when I ran away from home (once).
The Philippines are known for the sexual tourism, like Thailand. And I fucking despise those who thinks that the women who work in the streets are some kind of under-race, something to look down! You don't know their story, you don't know how hard it is for them, especially when they have children.

Anyway, Mom, you had to endure his insults and I respect the fact that you held high and got your revenge.

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - Tantrum - 09-25-2016

I told you before and I tell you once more, Fen, you're a force of nature! and a very gifted writer because once more you made me 'enter' in that living room, listening to all those words, listening to the insults and, DAMN! I feel so piss right now!
Anyway, water under the bridge, I know! *hugs her and gives a big kiss on her cheek*

And like Willy (although I know) I'm here waiting for the finale!

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - RP_RICK - 09-25-2016

Tht must have taken a HUGE willpower to not just trhow it all in his face
I salute you my dear! Perfect!

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - IvanXLIV - 09-26-2016

After having endured all this, bidding your time, trying to set this up calmy and rationally despite your pain and the depth of his treachery... I can't wait to see what calculated, painstakingly prepared "final blow" you unleashed on him, my friend...

RE: Spicy Moment 10 - Part 5 (Dealing with it) - MariaT - 09-27-2016

Shit Fen... how could you endure all that? RESPECT!!!

And cath, like the fable of the scorpion and the frog, no matter how the social status, no matter the education, no matter the right or wrong... It's in his nature!